How Soft Forks and Hard Forks Transform Blockchain Networks: A Comprehensive Guide

How Soft Forks and Hard Forks Transform Blockchain Networks: A Comprehensive Guide


Blockchain technology has undeniably transformed industries across the globe, heralding a new era of transparency, security, and decentralized systems. At the heart of this technological marvel lies the concept of forks, which wield immense power in shaping the destiny of blockchain networks.

Two formidable forces have emerged within the blockchain ecosystem: soft forks and hard forks. These forks represent distinct paths of evolution, each with its unique characteristics and far-reaching consequences.

As blockchain enthusiasts and participants, it is crucial to grasp the fundamental differences between soft and hard forks to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of this groundbreaking technology.

This comprehensive article will delve into the differences between soft forks and hard forks, exploring their implications for blockchain networks and their participants.

What is a Fork?

A fork in blockchain technology refers to the splitting of a blockchain network into two separate paths due to a significant change in the protocol or rules. This creates a new branch with distinct characteristics.

There are two types of forks: soft forks and hard forks. Soft forks introduce changes that are compatible with the existing network, while hard forks bring about incompatible changes.

These forks play a vital role in shaping the evolution of blockchain networks and require consensus among participants to determine their future direction.

There are two types Fork in the Blockchain Technology

Below are the two types of forks in blockchain technology that you should know:

What is Soft Fork?

Source: Rapid Innovation

Soft forks represent an upgrade to a blockchain network that maintains backward compatibility with the existing protocol. While introducing changes and updates, soft forks ensure that non-upgraded nodes can coexist within the network without disruption.

A soft fork typically requires the most support from the network's hash power to achieve successful implementation, including miners, nodes, and participants.

Once consensus is reached, the upgraded version becomes the dominant protocol, while non-upgraded nodes continue operating based on the previous rules.

To better understand soft forks, let's dive into a couple of examples:

1. Segregated Witness (SegWit): SegWit is a notable example of a soft fork implemented on the Bitcoin network. It aimed to address the scalability issues associated with block size limitations. SegWit introduced a change in the transaction structure by separating signature data from the transaction data.

This alteration resulted in more efficient use of block space and increased the overall capacity of the Bitcoin network. Importantly, SegWit's implementation allowed non-upgraded nodes to still recognize the new transaction format as valid, ensuring compatibility with the upgraded network.

2. Ethereum's Constantinople upgrade:

This upgrade was also executed as a soft fork, introducing several improvements and optimizations to the Ethereum blockchain. Some changes included the introduction of new opcodes, gas cost adjustments, and reduction block rewards.

Upgraded nodes adopted these changes, while non-upgraded nodes continued to function based on the previous protocol. It allowed for a seamless upgrade process and ensured the continuity of the Ethereum network.

In both examples, the soft forks introduced new features and improvements to the blockchain networks without causing a split or creating an entirely separate blockchain—the compatibility with the existing protocol allowed for a gradual transition, accommodating upgraded and non-upgraded nodes.

Key Characteristics of Soft Forks

1. Compatibility and Coexistence

Soft forks are designed to be compatible with the previous version of the blockchain network. Upgraded nodes enforce new rules, while non-upgraded nodes operate under old ones. This compatibility allows for a seamless transition during the upgrade process.

2. Rule Restriction and Subset of Valid Transactions

The network rules become more restrictive during a soft fork, resulting in a subset of valid transactions and blocks. This narrowing of rules allows for introducing new functionalities or improvements while maintaining the overall integrity and security of the network.

3. Network Consensus and Hash Power

The success of a soft fork depends on obtaining majority support from the network's hash power. If a significant portion of miners, nodes, and participants adopt the soft fork, the consensus is achieved, and the upgraded version becomes the dominant protocol.

What is Hardfork?

In contrast to soft forks, hard forks introduce significant changes to the blockchain protocol, rendering the previous version incompatible with the upgraded one.

Hard forks play a crucial role in the blockchain ecosystem by enabling significant modifications to the underlying protocols. These forks can address contentious issues, introduce new functionalities, or explore different directions for the technology.

However, they also require a consensus among network participants to adopt the upgraded version, as failure to reach a consensus can result in a permanent network split and the coexistence of multiple blockchains.

Let's delve into a couple of examples to illustrate hard forks further:

1. Creation of Bitcoin Cash (BCH):

One prominent example is the hard fork that led to Bitcoin Cash's (BCH) creation. The Bitcoin Cash hard fork occurred due to a disagreement within the Bitcoin community regarding the scalability of the network and the block size limit. A group of developers and miners believed increasing the block size would improve transaction capacity and network efficiency.

As a result, they implemented a hard fork, creating a separate blockchain with a larger block size limit. Participants who wanted to support and transact on the Bitcoin Cash network had to update their software to the new version, as the original and Bitcoin Cash networks became incompatible.

This hard fork resulted in the coexistence of two blockchains, each with its own rules and features.

2. Creation of Ethereum Classic:

The hard fork occurred in response to a significant security incident called "The DAO hack." To address the issue and recover the lost funds, the Ethereum community conducted a hard fork that resulted in two distinct blockchains: Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC).

Participants who desired to continue operating on the new blockchain adhered to the upgraded Ethereum protocol, while those who opted for the original chain remained with Ethereum Classic.

The hard fork effectively created two separate networks with different rules and features, highlighting the irreversible divergence caused by this type of fork.

We can see from the two above examples that hard forks created separate blockchains with different rules and features. The introduction of significant changes to the protocol necessitated software updates by all network participants to maintain compatibility with the new version.

Hard forks require consensus among participants to adopt the upgraded version, and failure to reach consensus can lead to a permanent network split.

Key Characteristics of Hard Forks

1. Incompatibility and Network Split

Hard forks completely diverge from the previous version of the blockchain network. This incompatibility necessitates software updates by all nodes, leading to a potential network split. The split can form a separate blockchain branch with its rules and features.

2. Rule Alteration and Different Validation Criteria

During a hard fork, significant changes are introduced to the protocol, often resulting in different transaction validation or block creation rules. It allows for exploring new functionalities, scalability improvements, or resolving contentious issues within the network.

3. Consensus and Governance

Hard forks require consensus among network participants to adopt the upgraded version. If consensus cannot be reached, it can lead to a permanent network split, resulting in the coexistence of two separate blockchains. Governance mechanisms are crucial in navigating the decision-making process associated with hard forks.

Differences Between Soft Forks and Hard Forks

Source: ZenLedger

Now that we have explored the characteristics and implications of soft and hard forks individually, let's compare and contrast these two types of forks, highlighting their key distinctions.

1. Compatibility vs. Incompatibility

One of the primary differences between soft forks and hard forks is their compatibility with the existing network. Soft forks maintain backward compatibility, allowing non-upgraded nodes to continue operating.

In contrast, hard forks require all nodes to update their software for compatibility, resulting in a potential network split.

2. Rule Changes and Validation Criteria

Soft forks introduce more restrictive rules to the existing network, while hard forks bring significant changes to the protocol, altering transaction validation or block creation criteria.

Soft forks focus on refining and enhancing the network's functionalities, while hard forks often address more substantial modifications or disagreements within the community.

3. Network Consensus and Governance

Both soft forks and hard forks rely on network consensus for successful implementation. Soft forks require the most support from the network's hash power to maintain security and functionality.

On the other hand, hard forks necessitate consensus to prevent network splits and establish a unified direction for the blockchain.

Who Determines a Fork Formation?

The consensus of its participants determines the formation of a fork in a blockchain network. It includes key stakeholders such as

  • Developers

  • Miners,

  • Node operators,

  • Community members.

The decision-making process can vary based on the governance structure of the specific blockchain.

Sometimes, a core development team takes the lead in proposing a fork. They outline the changes to be implemented and seek consensus and support from the community. It can involve discussing, addressing concerns, and gathering feedback before proceeding with the fork.

Which One Is More Beneficial: Soft Fork or Hard Fork?

Determining which type of fork is more beneficial depends on the specific context and objectives of the blockchain network and its participants. Both types of forks offer distinct advantages and considerations, and the choice between them will depend on the desired outcomes and trade-offs involved.

The choice between a soft fork and a hard fork depends on factors such as the desired level of compatibility, the magnitude of changes required, community consensus, and the urgency of implementing specific upgrades or improvements.

Practical Scenarios for Choosing Soft Fork or Hard Fork:

1. Compatibility and Incremental Upgrades (Soft Fork):

Scenario: The Ethereum Merge, a soft fork that occurred on September 15th, 2022, marked the transition of the Ethereum network from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS). The Merge was a major milestone in the development of Ethereum, and it is expected to make the network more scalable, secure, and sustainable.

Decision: Implement a soft fork to maintain compatibility while implementing the new upgrade.

2. Addressing Technical Limitations and Clean Break (Hard Fork):

Scenario: The Terra Classic hard fork occurred on May 27, 2022, in response to the collapse of the Terra ecosystem. The hard fork created two blockchains: Terra (LUNA) and Terra Classic (LUNC). LUNA continued with the original code, while LUNC reverted to the state of the blockchain before the collapse.

Decision: Perform a hard fork to break away from the original network and adopt new consensus rules.

3. Governance and Community Consensus (Hard Fork):

Scenario: The Tezos community is divided over a proposed governance mechanism.

Decision: Conduct a hard fork (e.g., Tezos) to allow different factions to pursue their preferred governance independently.

4. Urgent Security Upgrades and Compatibility (Soft Fork):

Scenario: Binance Smart Chain identifies a critical security vulnerability.

Decision: Implement a soft fork to deploy security patches while maintaining compatibility quickly.

5. Protocol Optimization and Incremental Changes (Soft Fork):

Scenario: Cardano aims to optimize its network with improved transaction speed and energy efficiency.

Decision: Perform a soft fork (e.g., Cardano's Alonzo upgrade) to introduce incremental protocol changes.


Soft forks and hard forks are critical milestones in the evolutionary journey of blockchain networks. While soft forks ensure backward compatibility and implement more restrictive rules, hard forks bring forth significant changes and may create new blockchain branches.

Understanding the differences between these forks empowers individuals and organizations to navigate the complex landscape of blockchain technology and make informed decisions regarding software upgrades and network participation.

As the blockchain ecosystem continues to grow, it is vital to stay aware of the various fork types and their implications to harness the true potential of this transformative technology.


What is a soft fork in blockchain?

A soft fork is an upgrade to a blockchain network that maintains compatibility with the existing protocol. It introduces changes and updates while allowing non-upgraded nodes to coexist within the network without disruption.

What is a hard fork in blockchain?

A hard fork introduces significant changes to the blockchain protocol, making the previous version incompatible with the upgraded one. It often occurs to address contentious issues, explore new functionalities, or take the technology differently.

Which type of fork is more beneficial?

The choice between a soft fork and a hard fork depends on the specific context and objectives of the blockchain network. Soft forks are suitable for incremental changes without causing disruptions, while hard forks are appropriate for significant modifications or clean breaks from the past to foster innovation and growth.

What are the main differences between soft forks and hard forks?

Answer: Soft forks maintain compatibility with the existing network, while hard forks require software updates and can lead to network splits. Soft forks introduce more restrictive rules, while hard forks bring significant changes to the protocol. Additionally, soft forks rely on network consensus for implementation, while hard forks require consensus to prevent network splits.